We need your help. Turn Black Friday into Give Back Friday! This Friday (27th November) shops across the UK will be holding the biggest sales of the year, meaning it’s the perfect time to pick up party dresses, grab gifts and take advantage of tech bargains. Don’t forget you can […]
Newsletter #4: Dates for your calendar, New Year celebration, new classes etc
Please follow a link to our newsletter (in Russian).
Newsletter #3: Important dates, enrolment news, Halloween Russian style
Dear all, A new newsletter is here! Please read about an important dates for your calendar, news about registering children for the next term and also about coming Russian style Halloween we celebrate this coming Saturday.
17 October – Open Day at the Russian School
Please register below if you plan to visit Cambridge Russian School Open Day on 17 October 2015 [gravityform id=”2″ title=”true” description=”true”]
10 October – Harvest festival fair
Дорогие родители и дети! Приглашаем всех в субботу 10 октября на ярмарку к Празднику урожая. Ярмарка начнется в 13.40. Мы будем рады любой Вашей помощи: рассада, фрукты, овощи, кулинарные изделия, выпечка, кулинарные книги и т.п. Вырученные средства будут использованы для приобретения методических материалов.