The last school day of this academic year was July 6th and we celebrated this day with our wonderful graduates who passed the GCSE and A level exams in the Russian language. We wish them success at the new stage of their life journey.As is tradition, on the last day […]
Maslenitsa celebration
On March 16th, the school joyfully celebrated Maslenitsa, bidding farewell to winter with khorovod, folk games, blini and workshops.
School trip to London’s museums!
Last Sunday, February 11, a group of our students and school guests embarked on an exciting and educational journey through the marvelous city of London! Our school organised a tour showcasing fascinating worlds of science, history, and art to the children. We visited three museums: the Science Museum, the Natural […]
Discover London’s museums: The world of arts, history and science
We are pleased to offer a great opportunity for your children, aged 7 and above, to embark on a fascinating and educational journey through the wonderful London! Our school is organising the first in a series of school trips, with the hope of continuing this enriching experience in the future. […]
New drama and art lessons in the spring term
Дорогие родители, Мы рады представить для наших учеников новые классы в весеннем семестре. Пробные уроки нового класса драмы в эту субботу, 13 января 2024 г., будут бесплатными для всех желающих, но необходимо зарегистрироваться – Лика преподает драму в Cambridge International School, окончила Литовскую академию музыки и театра. Получила актерское […]