
The School is overseen by a Board of Trustees, whose main objective is to promote the School as a successful educational and cultural centre and ensure its smooth running and further progress and development. This includes raising funds, acquiring and maintaining premises and equipment, and liaising with other charities, voluntary organisations and local authorities in order to exchange information, advice and experience. The Trustees have overall responsibility for the School as a Charity, but delegate the day-to-day running and the management of teaching and teachers to the Administration.

Current members of the Board of Trustees
Aleksei KomanovAleksei Komarov
Chair of the Trustee Board
Artem BabayanArtem Babayan
Artem BlagodarenkoArtem Blagodarenko
Svetlana ShmelevaSvetlana Shmeleva
Suzy BrandesSuzy Brandes
Andrei BejanAndrei Bejan